Last week I had the privilege of guest teaching at North Star Academy‘s day of enrichment. Principal Leslie Crane explained that this is one of three all-day events where students in the school self-select based on interest, mixing ages in the process. The section I had the opportunity to work with was a mix of 4th an 5th graders, helping them learn programming and culminating in them making their own Code Jack-o-Lanterns. We had a great class and they produced some amazing work, which you can see below.
In this video, I go over some of the activities we went through and how I taught them. Below you’ll find the actual trinket from the class, ready for you to use in your next class!
Jack-o-Lantern from Elliott Hauser on Vimeo.
Here’s the trinket from that video: Make and share your own pumpkin or grab a link to share in class!
And, finally, just a few of the awesome Pumpkins that the North Star Academy kids made:
Comments? Tweet us or send us an email. Enjoy and have a Happy Halloween!